The Social Syllabus

wallpaper645549Of my fondest academic memories in college, taking tons of different intro classes stands out the most. Before the manic pressures of the real world would begin to creep up on me junior year, I remember giddily popping intro classes into my schedule with as much reckless abandon as a child munching gummy vitamins… recommended dosages be damned. I didn’t care about congruity, I would take whatever interested me. Psychology 101, Intro to Marketing, Basic Anthropology… if it even vaguely piqued my interest, I was in.

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A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Social Network

One of the leading thinkers of the social web, Paul Adams, writes about how small groups of friends are the key to influence on the social web in his book, “Grouped” (a must read for all aspiring Elegant Pirates). His thoughts, condensed below for your reading pleasure, will teach you how to navigate the murky waters of social marketing, and ultimately make you one of the elite few who utilize Facebook as an asset rather than a liability. Continue reading

Ten Reasons You Need to be Using Social Media Right Now

Traditional marketing sucks. Your favorite shows are interrupted by terrible commercials, the mailbox is inundated with useless junk, and your favorite songs on the radio are punctuated by the piercing noise of some second rate movie trailer. Thanks to traditional marketing, quality of life is negatively impacted on a daily basis, and in the vast majority of cases, not  single one of those advertisements will translate into a paying customer. Continue reading